Already diagnosed?


Your treatment options

There’s no way to prevent heart valve disease, but you can stay on top of it with routine echocardiograms and be prepared for if or when you need treatment. There are many different treatment options to fix your heart valve, depending on which heart valve is affected and the type of disease you have. Your doctor will help you choose the best treatment option for you, and it’s important you receive it as soon as possible since heart valve disease gets worse over time.

Transcatheter procedure

If you’ve been diagnosed with severe symptomatic aortic stenosis or another type of severe heart valve disease, your doctor may recommend a transcatheter procedure. It’s a less invasive way to replace your valve using a small tube, typically inserted in your leg instead of by an incision across your chest.

Open heart surgery

Your doctor may recommend open heart surgery, which requires an incision in your chest to get to your valve and replace it. The incision is usually the full length of your chest, but sometimes it can be smaller. Once the incision is made, your old valve is removed and a replacement valve is surgically inserted.

Medical management

If you’ve been diagnosed with mild or moderate heart valve disease, your doctor may suggest monitoring your condition with regular follow-ups. Make sure to let your doctor know if your symptoms get worse or change and remember to get an echocardiogram regularly since heart valve disease gets worse over time.

Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR)

Learn about a minimally invasive procedure for severe aortic stenosis, also known as heart valve failure.

About TAVR

Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement (SAVR)

Understand more about your surgical options for valve replacement and if surgery is right for you.

About SAVR

How often should diagnosed patients get an echocardiogram?

If you’ve already been diagnosed, it’s still important to get an echocardiogram regularly since heart valve disease gets worse over time.

Ask your doctor when you should get tested again.

Severity: Mild

Every 3 to 5 years

Severity: Moderate

Every 1 to 2 years

Severity: Severe

Seek treatment for Valve Replacement

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